var _SAFESIGNED_cert_type = 244;
var _SAFESIGNED_certificate = 7461
var _SAFESIGNED_sb_logo = '';
var _SAFESIGNED_scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var _SAFESIGNED_count = _SAFESIGNED_scripts.length;
if (typeof _SAFESIGNED_refresh_page !== 'function' ) {
function _SAFESIGNED_refresh_page() {
setTimeout("location.reload(true);", 3600000);
while (_SAFESIGNED_count > 0) {
var _SAFESIGNED_curr_script = _SAFESIGNED_scripts[_SAFESIGNED_count];
var _SAFESIGNED_script = "" + _SAFESIGNED_cert_type + '/' + _SAFESIGNED_certificate;
if (_SAFESIGNED_curr_script.src == _SAFESIGNED_script) {
//add seal CSS (Note: we can override the _SAFESIGNED_ variable with no harm, because the script object it
//used to reference has already been inserted into the section of the page)
_SAFESIGNED_css = document.createElement('link');
_SAFESIGNED_css.rel = "stylesheet";
_SAFESIGNED_css.type = "text/css";
_SAFESIGNED_css.href = ""; //TODO: append only if it does not exist yet
//TODO: simply add snippet to loadSeal method?
//execute code for triggering seal loading
/* this version of the script is meant for displaying ALL types of seals (external seals currently excluded)
and should be coupled with a code which loads seals ASYNCHRONOUSLY */
function SEAL(cert_type_id, cert_id, seal_shape, text_id) {
text_id = typeof text_id !== 'undefined' ? text_id : 'none';
this.text_id = text_id;
this.cert_id = cert_id;
this.cert_type_id = cert_type_id;
this.seal_shape = seal_shape; //1 - notary, 2 - tab, 4 - rectangle, 5 - classic
this.base_url = "";
this.var_name = 'SEAL_CONTAINER_' + this.cert_type_id; //CON instance variable name
this.t_AR = 1200; //seal automatic reload time in seconds (after the seal has been loaded)
this.t_SL = 2000; //spinner "loading" time in miliseconds
//determine current page url (TODO: move this to function A() because you trigger security exception there
//again anyway (to check loading in iframe etc)
try {
this.p_url =; //we need to get topmost location (just in case if page uses frames)
this.r_url =; //referring url ... needed only for statistics
catch (ex) {
//security exception... seal is loaded on a page which is open in a frame on another domain
this.p_url = window.location.href; //save current page url, although it won't be used, because
//it is open in a frame on another domain
this.r_url = '';
this.loadSeal = function() {
this.c_name = 'safesigned_seal_' + this.cert_type_id //seal container name
this.c_div = document.getElementById(this.c_name); //container div
this.A(); //create script request link and insert it into section (and load it this way)
//TODO: load CSS here if not yet included?
//generates a link to the seal displaying script and inserts this link into the head
//section of the page so that the script is retrieved and executed
this.A = function() {
var CON_objHead = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var CON_objScript = document.createElement("script");
CON_objScript.type = 'text/javascript';
var CON_mode = location.protocol;
var CON_isSecure = (CON_mode == 'https:') ? 1 : 0;
var parts = this.r_url.split('/', 3);
var ref_domain = (parts.length < 3) ? '' : parts[2];
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'),
name = 'safesigned_ct=', //cookie name
token = 'F0F0';
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var c = cookies[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) {
token = c.substring(name.length, c.length);
//generate a link to request the seal
var seal_req_link = this.base_url + "seal_loader/" + this.cert_type_id + '/' + this.cert_id + '/?'
+ 'secure=' + CON_isSecure + '&p_url=' + escape(this.p_url)
+ '&token=' + token
+ '&s_shape=' + this.seal_shape + '&ref_d=' + escape(ref_domain)
+ '&text_id=' + this.text_id
+ '&' + Math.floor(Math.random()*999999999999);
try {
var dummy =; //trigger security exception if page is loaded in an iframe on another domain
catch (ex) {
//create invalid script link that will result in a NOT VERIFIED seal
//-6 for p_url is our special error code which indicates that a security exception was triggered
seal_req_link = this.base_url + "seal_loader/" + this.cert_type_id + '/' + this.cert_id + '/?'
+ 'secure=' + CON_isSecure + '&p_url=-6'
+ '&s_shape=' + this.seal_shape + '&ref_d='
+ '&' + Math.floor(Math.random()*999999999999);
CON_objScript.src = seal_req_link;
window.setTimeout(this.var_name + '.A();', (this.t_AR * 1000)); //set automatic seal reload time
//generate classic seal
this.gen_seal_cls = function(cert_link, seal_img_url, signature) {
//if signature is not provided (undefined), this means we have tech. issues or "not verified" case
//if signature IS provided (even if it is an empty string)
var use_bubble = (signature === ""); //empty string (NOTE: undefined does not count!)
var show_sig = signature ? true : false;
var toggle_code = "";
if (use_bubble) {
//create mouseover and mouseout code for toggling the signature bubble logo
var bubble_id = "sig_bubble_" + this.cert_type_id;
var code_mover = [this.var_name, ".sig_bubble_pre_toggle('", bubble_id, "', true);"].join("");
var code_mout = [this.var_name + ".sig_bubble_pre_toggle('", bubble_id, "', false);"].join("");
toggle_code = ["onmouseover=\"", code_mover, "\" onmouseout=\"", code_mout, "\""].join("");
var seal_html = ['
if (show_sig) {
var sig = [''];
seal_html.push.apply(seal_html, sig);
this.c_div.innerHTML = seal_html.join(""); //add seal to container
//now that the seal image exists, create its signature bubble if necessary
if (use_bubble) {
var sig_bubble = document.getElementById(bubble_id);
if (!sig_bubble) { //if signature bubble does not yet exist ...
sig_bubble = document.createElement("div"); = bubble_id;
sig_bubble.onmouseover = function() { eval(code_mover); };
sig_bubble.onmouseout = function() { eval(code_mout); };
sig_bubble.innerHTML = [''].join("");
this.c_div.insertBefore(sig_bubble, this.c_div.firstChild);
} = "none";
//generate rectangular seal
this.gen_seal_rect = function(cert_link, seal_img_url, signature) {
//create master rectangle box if necessary
var all_rect_box_id = "CON_all_rect_box";
var rect_box = document.getElementById(all_rect_box_id);
if (!rect_box) {
rect_box = document.createElement("div"); = all_rect_box_id;
document.body.insertBefore(rect_box, document.body.firstChild);
//create new rectangle seal div (if it doesn't exist yet) and place it into the master box
var new_div_id = "safesigned_con_rect_" + this.cert_type_id;
var new_div = document.getElementById(new_div_id);
if (!new_div) { //if div does not exist yet
new_div = document.createElement("div"); = new_div_id;
new_div.className = "safesigned_con_rect";
//increase width of the master box by 121px (110px seal + 11px right margin) so that
//new rectangle will fit in
var curr_width = ( ? parseInt( : 0; = (curr_width + 121) + "px";
//if signature is not provided (undefined), this means we have tech. issues or "not verified" case
//if signature IS provided (even if it is an empty string)
var use_bubble = (signature === ""); //empty string (NOTE: undefined does not count!)
var show_sig = signature ? true : false;
var toggle_code = "";
if (use_bubble) {
//create mouseover and mouseout code for toggling the signature bubble logo
var bubble_id = "sig_bubble_" + this.cert_type_id;
var code_mover = [this.var_name, ".sig_bubble_pre_toggle('", bubble_id, "', true);"].join("");
var code_mout = [this.var_name + ".sig_bubble_pre_toggle('", bubble_id, "', false);"].join("");
toggle_code = ["onmouseover=\"", code_mover, "\" onmouseout=\"", code_mout, "\""].join("");
var css_style = "transparent url(" + seal_img_url + ") no-repeat 0 0";
var seal_html = [' '];
if (show_sig) {
var sig = [''];
seal_html = sig.concat(seal_html); //prepend signature
new_div.innerHTML = seal_html.join("");
//now that the seal image exists, create its signature bubble if necessary
if (use_bubble) {
//TODO: duplicate code ... have a function to create bubble?
var sig_bubble = document.getElementById(bubble_id);
if (!sig_bubble) { //if signature bubble does not yet exist ...
sig_bubble = document.createElement("div"); = bubble_id;
sig_bubble.onmouseover = function() { eval(code_mover); };
sig_bubble.onmouseout = function() { eval(code_mout); };
sig_bubble.innerHTML = [''].join("");
new_div.insertBefore(sig_bubble, new_div.firstChild);
} = "none";
this.toggle_sig_bubble = function(bubble_id, show) {
var sig_bubble = document.getElementById(bubble_id);
if (!sig_bubble) {
return; //silently fail if bubble does not exist
if (show) {
clearTimeout(this.bubble_hide_timer); = "block";
else { = "none";
this.sig_bubble_pre_toggle = function(bubble_id, show) {
if (show) {
this.toggle_sig_bubble(bubble_id, true);
else {
var code = [this.var_name, ".toggle_sig_bubble('", bubble_id, "', false);"].join("");
this.bubble_hide_timer = setTimeout(code, 50);
//HTML escape string
this.html_escape = function(str) {
return str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">");
} //end CON